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Selling Consumer Electronics on eBay - It's All About the Accessories

Selling Consumer Electronics on eBay - It's All About the Accessories

Published 10/7/07  (Modified 3/22/11)

Selling Consumer Electronics on eBay - It's All About the Accessories By MoneyBlueBook

I don't do it as much as I used to but back in college and for a few years after I used to sell products on eBayas part of my experiment in running a part time online business. It was more of a hobby than anything else so I never quite grew it into something big. But I did learn a thing or two about online selling during that time.

When I was an active seller, I focused primarily on electronics and gadgets that I liked and that were must-haves at the time. One rudimentary search of eBay's auctions reveals the obvious - consumer electronics was and is still in great demand and there is fierce competition for steep discounted prices for such products. EBay consumers have grown accustomed to paying discounted prices for their electronics and this has made it more difficult for sellers today to profit from their sales.

Selling Electronics Is Tough

New eBay sellers will come to discover that consumer electronics is the toughest category to compete in. This is due to the slim margins for consumer electronics. Even Powersellers in this category often times only break even. The key to profiting from sales of consumer electronics is the bundling of products with value added accessories.

Successful eBay sellers make their money with accessories, or create packages that include items that have higher profit margins such as earphones, or padded protectors. This allows sellers to avoid competing on price alone. Profiting from the addition of accessories works because as a general psychological matter,

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Writing An Ebay Wholesale Guide

Published 9/17/07  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

I've written and posted a useful eBay Wholesale Guide for all the eBay wannabe powersellers. Many people are making money by selling products through online auctions such as eBay. I myself have sold and made some money by following the advice expressed in the comprehensive guide.

The guide is more for beginners or those who have had only light experience selling products on eBay. The pros probably already have a list of established wholesale sources that they closely guard. Ebay selling is very competitive as auction consumers have severely driven down the prices, but it can be done. I've never used it to replace my full time income, but it can be a worthwhile hobby and a way to generate a steady alternate income stream.

I recommend making sure you are familiar with the hazards of selling and buying on eBay first before diving deeper into running an actual eBay business. The world is full of many unscrupulous individuals who will try to take advantage of those who are unfamiliar with the process. Scammers are everywhere so please be cautious. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

It is important that you are well informed about the ins and outs of eBay before committing to purchases involving larger sums of money. To making money successfully through eBay requires a lot of preparation and work, and competition can be stiff at times, but if you persist you will find the business experience to be very worthwhile and financially satisfying.

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