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Review Of Payday Cash Advance Loans and Online Lenders

Review Of Payday Cash Advance Loans and Online Lenders

Published 7/15/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

My Advice and Guide To The Risks Of Using Pay Day Cash Advance Loans

When it comes to the subject of money and finance, certain things seem to inherently come with bad raps, and it's not always deservedly so. As someone with a legal background, I feel that I've been naturally trained and conditioned to reflexively see both angles of a debate. Generally, I can take either opposing positions of a controversial issue. For example, when it comes to credit cards, I can see both the negatives and the positives. Some see credit cards as the scourge of consumer debt, and the ultimate symbols of excessive consumerism and financial servitude, responsible for trapping generations of consumers into irresistible cycles of minimum payments and high interest credit card debt. But at the same time, I can also see the rewarding aspects of credit card usage - the ability to use a powerful and versatile financial tool to not only build much needed credit history, but to make money and earn cash back rewards through responsible use and management.

However, even with a self proclaimed balanced view towards the use of semi-controversial financial tools for arbitrage profit and monetary gain, there are some practices out there I am reluctant to defend. Currently, I'm loathe to take a positive stance when it comes to the area of payroll advance loans and high interest short term cash advances. While I begrudgingly admit that payroll cash advances do serve a certain purpose and that there is an unmet need in the

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Test Credit Card Numbers With Luhn Credit Card Validation

Published 7/12/08  (Modified 6/17/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

What Do the Credit Card Numbers Mean, and How Are Valid Credit Card Accounts Generated?

Have you ever wondered how credit card companies generate all those account numbers that appear on the face of the credit cards you carry around in your wallet? At first glance the numbers, while neatly arranged, appear to be completely random. But would it surprise you to know that there is indeed meaning and actual mathematical methodology to the way the numbers are sequenced? The process of generating real credit card numbers and validating them based on a proven mathematical formula is not only intriguing on an intellectual level and a hacker's dream, the carefully calculated way the numbers are ordered is actually quite beautiful and elegant when you come to understand how it works.

Before I get down to explaining the anatomy of credit card numbers and discussing how credit card numbers are generated, I think it's prudent to remind everyone the intent of this article. The goal of this blog post is not to encourage or get people thinking about how to go out and create fake credit card numbers on their own for improper means. The purpose is to shed some light on the science behind the mathematical sequencing technology of valid credit card numbers and offer some insight into something that many of us frequently see and use everyday, but oftentimes don't pay much attention to.

Please take in the information provided for purely academic and entertainment reasons. I'm not trying to encourage anyone to create fake credit card

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My Not-So-Stimulating Economic Stimulus Payment Has Finally Arrived

Published 7/9/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

After months of waiting and checking my mail box regularly like a little kid waiting for his video game to arrive, I was finally relieved to discover a little envelope from the United States Treasury yesterday - my long awaited 2008 Economic Stimulus Payment check had finally arrived! Cha-ching (punctuated with a few obligatory fist pumping motions).

Actually, about a week ago I had already been given written notice that the check was on its way. I received one of those pointless waste of paper junk mail letters from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) letting me know that I was entitled to an economic stimulus payment check as provided by the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, and to expect its arrival in a week or so. The letter also provided a simple breakdown of how the federal government calculated my small time stimulus payment.

But what was the point of sending this predecessor letter out to let me know this? Why is the IRS and federal government so oblivious and wasteful when it comes to wasting millions of dollars on paper and delivery costs to send out these pointless letters? Why not just combine the calculation breakdown letter with the actual stimulus rebate check that I received yesterday rather than sending them separately on different weeks? The financial savings for the federal government could easily have been several million dollars. Especially since we are now in an economic recession and the government keeps griping and raising issues about needing to balance the budget, and even

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What Is My Credit Score and How Is My FICO Calculated?

Published 7/8/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

What Is My Credit Score and How Is My FICO Calculated? By MoneyBlueBook

If you're like most people out there, there's inevitably going to come some point in your life when you'll need to apply for credit and seek out deeper pockets to help you fulfill your personal financial goals and objectives. While the traditional American dream of home ownership seemed to be fading out of reach during the last few years, the housing meltdown is now thankfully forcing out of control real estate prices back down into sync with reality. But with the resultant repercussions and reverberations of the financial credit crisis, mortgage lenders have grown extra vigilant in weeding out unproven and unreliable mortgage debtors. While a mortgage applicant with a FICO score of 700 in the past could have easily obtained a lofty prime interest rate on their loan, lenders are now increasingly demanding higher FICO's in excess of 760 for the same prime interest package. The subprime credit mess has made one's credit report and credit score even more important gateway factors to determining who qualifies and who doesn't for the loan conditions of their choice. It's not just for expensive, higher denominational credit prospects like mortgage loans either - even routine applications for things like credit cards, checking accounts, auto loans, and even new jobs are undergoing greater credit worthiness scrutiny.

Both Your Credit Report History and Credit Score Help Determine Your Credit Worthiness, But Credit Scores Are More Uniform Measures Of Comparison From Individual To Individual

While credit reports, like your high school transcript does a better overall job in revealing the compete

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Best Locations To Find Free Wireless Internet Access (WiFi Hotspots)

Published 7/3/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

While I have my own convenient and jack-rabbity-fast high speed broadband connection at home, sometimes I just want to get out of the house for a change of scenery. Ever since I began the gradual transition from traditional office life to the work from home routine, I've noticed that it can sometimes be pretty boring working from the confines of one's own house or apartment all the time. While working from home on the computer is great because it's nice to be your own boss, loneliness and lack of human contact can become troubling issues, especially if you are working by yourself all the time. While it's certainly very convenient to do business related work from one's home office (necessary supplies, kitchen amenities, and even bathroom conveniences are only a few steps away), the work at home experience can be plagued by boredom and frequent feelings of isolation. Once in a while, I just want to pick up my laptop and head out to some cafe, restaurant, or public location, and momentarily work at an Internet accessible place where there's random people milling about. That way I don't feel so cut off from the real world.

One's Home Office Can Be Any Cafe, Restaurant, Or Public Park With Free WiFi and Electrical Outlet Access

Since I'm trying to transition into running my own home based businesses full time and no longer work frequent contract attorney projects as a result, I no longer have an Internet equipped office computer outside of my home that I can go to

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How To Chase High Interest Rates On Savings Accounts and Manage Them

Published 7/1/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

I consider myself one of many rate chasers out there - savvy savers who hunt for the best annual percentage yield (APY) interest rates at banks and credit unions, and who are keen on quickly moving large sums of money from one account to another in pursuit of that financial ideal. High yield interest rate chasers seek out the highest available interest rate offerings possible, whether available at popular brick and mortar branches or whether available only through obscure online banks. We keep tabs on them all regularly and shift our bank balances around in pursuit of that elusive, but perfect high yield savings account. Rather than be content with letting our savings accounts sit idle, earning stable, yet passive interest growth, rate chasers such as myself prefer to actively manage our bank accounts to maximize interest earnings. Interest rates periodically change, thus so should we. Currently, I use my compiled list of the Best High Yield Savings Accounts to actively keep tabs on bank rate updates and changes.

High Yield Savings Accounts Offer Not Only Liquidity, But Rock Solid Financial Security and Reliable Growth As Well

While I have a diversified investment portfolio made up of high performing stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds, and mutual funds, I still try to put a sizable amount of what I own in cash form, invested in stable interest bearing savings accounts. The type of money I put in a savings account is money I can't afford to risk or jeopardize, and the type of funds that I may

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