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Deciding On the Direction For This Blog

Published 8/9/07 (Modified 3/9/11)
By MoneyBlueBook

I am starting this site as a personal finance and investing blog. I plan on staying on topic, but on occasion I may stray a bit into technology or entertainment related subjects that interest me. I'll try my best to keep my diversions and ramblings to a minimum, or I might simply somehow find a way to connect it to the subject of money. I'm sure my readers will help keep me from going off on a wild tangent. :)

The purpose of this site is to provide me an online space where I can write about my personal finances and share some advice about financial planning and my opinions on various money matters. While I want to discuss the more serious personal finance subjects, I also want a place where I can share some of the more light hearted news and bargains that I discover on a daily basis. Sometimes the offers and deals are so good that I just have to share it with people. Once I get my blogging rhythm going, I also plan on posting regular entries on freebies that I come across on the internet.

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