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Nigerian 419 Scams and Spam Emails Are Funny But They Make Me Paranoid

Nigerian 419 Scams and Spam Emails Are Funny But They Make Me Paranoid

Published 5/8/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

My online messaging routine was doing fine for a while. Every morning I would check my Yahoo e-mail account for messages, and then go about my regular work day, periodically checking back for personal and business related messages. Since I forward and consolidate all of my personal, work, and blog business related emails to one account with Yahoo, I have one easy point of access to my messages - essentially one well oiled emailing machine. Of course, there was always the occasional spam, but that was usually manageable - until now - until the Nigerians struck, and struck hard.

Spammers and Scammers Are Relentless And They Can Afford To Be - Sending E-Mail Lures With Scam Bait Doesn't Cost A Thing

Starting very recently, I've been receiving nearly 20-30 spam related messages everyday. I have no idea how they are effectively evading my spam filters, but they are. These spam messages are driving me absolutely crazy and are irritating to say the least. But one can't help but find some amusement from the content of these desperate messages. These spam letters that flood the web are mostly from the poor African country of Nigeria - sent by notorious computer users who run well documented Nigerian 419 scam operations. You know when you receive one of these classic Nigerian 419 spam letters as they are pretty recognizable. Usually the Nigerians use very flowery, British style English comprised of exaggerated legalese-type terminology to make the content appear more legitimate. However, oftentimes their lame use of the English language borders

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"Parking Wars" Reinforces Why I Dislike Tow Truck Drivers

Published 5/3/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

Whenever I see a predatory tow truck driver or a parking meter maid strolling by, I just want to roll down my window quickly and yell out - "Hey you! Go (*bleep*) yourself you (*bleep bleep*)!"

As you can tell, I am not too fond of tow truck drivers. My disdain also carries over to others in the parking profession, including but not limited to opportunistic car booters and sneaky meter maids who dart from car to car with their little hand held tri-corder gadgets, tucking tickets under windshield wipers and escaping before the driver comes back and catches them in the act. While these parking ticketers bug me somewhat, they don't irritate me as much as tow truck drivers. Perhaps it's because parking ticket fines are usually not as financially hefty or as personally offensive as getting your car manhandled and forcibly hauled away by a stranger. Most of the time, I see tow truck drivers as nothing but conniving, predatory, and opportunistic vultures who feast on the vulnerable and distracted plight of unsuspecting drivers.

Just Watching Others Get Their Cars Towed In Their Absence Irritates Me

A few years ago I lived near a shopping center located next to a major Metro subway station. Every morning as I walked to the station to take the train to work, I witnessed the daily spectacle of tow truck sharks preying on those who failed to notice the no parking warning signs for non patrons. At the start of every morning rush, like clockwork precision, several red tow trucks

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How To Get A Free Laptop or Plasma TV Through Gift Reward Websites

Published 4/18/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

If you've ever encountered sites on the internet that claimed to offer brand new laptop computers, mp3 players, or even plasma TV's for free, I'm sure most of you jumped to the immediate conclusion that they must all be scams. Well, on some level you may be correct and your initial instincts serve you well. But the misleading deception is not that they don't actually give out laptops, it's that these so-called free laptop offers do require some up front financial commitment and mandatory participation in a few monthly subscription programs. However, if you have a keen eye for seeking out deals that require the least amount of out-of-pocket effort, and know how to manipulate the rules by taking advantage of free trial offers, it's possible to walk away with a brand new laptop for only a fraction of its fair market value.

What I'm about to share may be time consuming and require almost anal, obsessive compulsive organizational skills, but the potential payoff at the end is quite substantial. For those of you who need the laptop or fancy electronic gadget right away, you probably won't have the patience for what this process demands. The procedure takes some time to complete and requires a lot of waiting - up to four months usually from start to finish. To successfully game the system and earn your almost free reward product you will need to be detail-oriented and willing to exercise patience and follow directions to the letter. If you follow these instructions, you should be able

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Traditional and Roth IRA Contribution Limits and Income Phase Outs

Published 4/1/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

Updated IRA and Roth Contribution Tables For Tax Year 2009

Because of the power of compound interest, it is never too early to start saving for your future and planning your retirement nest egg. The earlier you start taking advantage of tax deferred investments, the more money you'll have to live on when retirement rolls around. Don't count on dying young to relieve you of the need to save either. Statistics show that improvements in medical technology and lifestyle changes, coupled with increased health awareness are extending our lives longer than before.

For the younger, single people out there, I know it can be strange discussing retirement so early on, but you must remember that your actions now have a huge impact on your future welfare. The cash you invest today in a tax deferred retirement account has a disproportionately more significant impact on your wealth level than money invested later. Don't delay or keep putting it off - even catch up contributions won't be much help if you wait too long to save for retirement.

When it comes to saving for retirement, there are a variety of tax deferred options such as the common employer sponsored 401K plan. But there is also the Traditional Investment Retirement Account (IRA) and the Roth IRA. Both are excellent ways to save for the future but you must be mindful of IRS rules when funding them - by being aware of the annual contribution limits, the contribution deadlines, and the applicable income phaseout ranges. I've created a list of

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Making Fun Of Late Night Infomercials Using Hotties With Assets To Sell Get Rich Schemes

Published 3/12/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

I often work on the computer late into the evening and most of the time I keep my television set on as background noise. Usually there isn't much programming going on in the wee evening hours - that is, except for the inescapable torrent of Girls Gone Wild commercials which seem to flood their way onto the airwaves after midnight whether you like it or not. The other types of shady programs that seem to craw their way onto my TV screen at night are the sleazy late night infomercials selling all sorts of silly products from male enhancement pills, to expensive audio tapes on how to get rich quick while working in your pajamas. While some of the commercials are tastefully done, hyping somewhat useful products like fruit juicers or portable infrared ovens, most them are repetitive scams designed to get you to part with your money fast.

Exposing Money Making Get Rich Quick Infomercials

When most people have gone to sleep, the roaches come out to play. The vast majority of late light commercials fall into the slummy get rich quick category. Most are slickly produced sales pitches for useless packages containing rehashed literature and DVD tapes about how to earn big bucks flipping houses, dabbling in cash flow notes, or making money on eBay. Of all the late night infomercials, the one that really sticks in my mind is the so-called Shortcuts to Internet Millions gimmick being hawked by a guy named Jeff Paul. It's not the fact that he is selling information that

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Visit The Amusement Park During Off Peak Times And Use A Discount Code To Get Your Money's Worth

Published 2/26/08  (Modified 3/9/11)

By MoneyBlueBook

I love roller coasters and visiting amusement parks. Luckily there are several great amusement and water parks near where I live in the Washington D.C. area including Six Flags, Busch Gardens, and King's Dominion. All of the theme parks have wonderful attractions and rides for both children and adults, and feature a wide variety of entertainment performances. Most of the theme parks take at least an entire day to enjoy so do plan ahead. But if you truly want to have a memorable experience, I recommend saving up and planning a vacation trip to the prime destination of them all - Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The last time I went, I was just a little boy but since then the park has made substantial strides with the addition of multiple expansion parks and new rides. Disney World is very expensive (expect to pay $500-$1000 per person) and will require at least 3-4 days to fully enjoy, so it's best left for those rare and special vacation trips.

No Lines And Half Priced Tickets - My Happy Experience At King's Dominion

It doesn't matter which amusement park you visit - if you want to fully maximize your time and money spent, I highly advise you to visit during off-peak season, such as the very start of the park season. Amusement park opening dates and hours vary and are dependent on the climate of where the premises is located. Parks located in sunny Los

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